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새로고침 | 로그인
GT | 등록일 : 2008-03-04 21:41:10 | 글번호 : 451 | 0
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2008 Korea University (KU) Calendars

2008 Korea University (KU) Calendar
Oh Eun Hwa

March 3 - First Day of School
March 4 - Cheerleading Orientation for 2008 Freshmen
In this event, freshmen and anyone who wishes to experience KU's famous cheerleading culture gather in the KU Gymnasium to get exposed to KU's cheerleading songs and routines.

April 18 - 4 18 Marathon
On April 18, 1960, many KU students were killed or brutally injured while marching in protest of the Syngman Rhee regime, which murdered a student who denounced the government's fraudulent election. In order to commemorate the dead KU students who fought in order to reject the regime's corrupt practices and protect democratic principles, KU students annually participate in the 4 18 Marathon.
April 21~25 Midterm

May 5 - Anniversary of the foundation of KU (no school)
May 12 -
Buddha’s Birthday (national holiday)
May 19 - Opening Ceremony of KU Festival (Ipselenti)
A lot of entertainment such as concerts with famous Korean singers, fun games, refreshments and alcohol booths and amusement facilities are organized in the annual KU Festival. Ipselenti, which is held on the first day of this weeklong festival, is the highlight of all entertainment; Korea's most-loved singers heat up the campus with great performances, and an exciting cheerleading event takes place at the end where all students of KU and its longtime rival school, Yonsei University, sing and dance to their own cheerleading songs, creating a competitive atmosphere.
May 19~23 - KU Festival
May 23 - Closing Ceremony of the KU Festival

June 6 - Memorial Day (national holiday)
June 16~20 - Finals
June 23 - Start of Summer Vacation

출처 : 고려대학교 고파스 2025-03-14 16:24:19:

댓글수 9
새로고침 | 목록보기 | 댓글쓰기

댓글 1 익명 2008-03-04 22:42:55
짜증나네요. 웬 도배질? :

댓글 2 익명 2008-03-04 22:45:36
1// 정말 여러 기사들이 올라왔네요... :

댓글 3 익명 2008-03-04 22:49:45
고대영자신문 님이 똧뱃지에 욕심이 생겼다에 한표.. :

댓글 4 익명 2008-03-04 22:51:54
3 / 그럼 GT에 표지에 똧뺏지 찍혀나오나요? :

댓글 5 익명 2008-03-04 23:17:27
4/ 만점 똧뱃지 인증 기사가 나겠죠.. :

댓글 6 익명 2008-03-04 23:32:26
음...이렇게 도배(?)하기 보단 중요기사 2~3개만 고파스에 게재하고 추가로 보고 싶은 기사는
홈페이지에 링크 걸어서 기사를 읽게 하는게 어떤지...
원하는 사람에게는 웹진도 보내주고요~~ :

댓글 7 익명 2008-03-04 23:40:34
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 좀 많이 올리긴 많이 올렸어요 ㅋㅋ.
다른 신문사랑 비슷하게 올려주세요 ㅋㅋ :

댓글 8 익명 2008-03-05 00:53:16
꼬부랑말이므로 패스~ :

댓글 9 익명 2008-03-05 16:48:49
무슨 일이 있었길래 이런 반응들을 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ :

댓글을 작성하실 수 없습니다. (권한이 없는 회원레벨)
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