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GT | 등록일 : 2008-03-03 22:54:01 | 글번호 : 426 | 0
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Leading 2008 for Shining Students, KoDae GongGamDaewww.v-comm

The new students association, KoDae GongGamDae (literally meaning Korea University (KU) Student consensus) is putting forth its best effort to create a larger space of consensus. Jeong Soo Hwan(05, School of Electrical Engineering), and Park Jong Chan(00, Food and Resource Economics) are now quite well-known at KU. They were elected as the president and vice president of the 41st KU students association for the year 2008. Now, they are working hard to achieve the policies they promised last year. Their plans include working to lower the increasing rate of tuition fees, organizing Saeteo (Orientation camp for freshmen and seniors), publishing Taekriji (An information book of boarding or rooming houses around KU), arranging school buses for students commuting from Gyeonggi province, and other interesting events for students.


Student Body President Jeong has experience working on a students association, since he took part in last years students association as a director of planning. Jeong conducted several major pledges which last years students association the previous KoDae GongGamDae party promised. Even before that, he was as a member of Yeoul(a club that promotes KU), took part in publicity activities.
    Jeong planned and conducted the Lets Rock Festival(a rock concert held on the Green Campus last September), Daedongje(May school festival), the opening ceremony of the Ko-Yon games, movie previews in Inchon Memorial Hall, making additional charges free for withdrawing money on KU campus even when it is past the office hours.

Park, as well as Jeong, worked for the KoDae GongGamDae party as a director of management for the online community, Koreapas. Park designed, built and is in charge of Koreapas under his ID, Gofun.
    Park also runs his own online business, and wishes to inaugurate an enterprise online. Park took part in the students
association within his department. Later, he became the director of emergency measures to deal with problems his college was facing, the merger and abolition of some major courses.

    When they realized their policies and saw that the students were satisfied, they said that they felt happiness for those achievements.
There are many things that we could do better if we put in just a little more effort. We wanted to try our best to achieve what we can and do our best again in 2008, said Jeong.

KoDae GongGamDae has been elected as the students association for the second straight year. This occasion was noted in local newspapers as proof for the basis of the belief that most students commitees are changing; Instead of being radical and conducting demonstrations at school, they focus on fulfilling the needs of students and peacefully negotiating with the school. When asked how they felt about this trend, Park replied, KoDae GongGamDae does not profess itself to be anti-or not-demonstrating. I think the reasons why the voters chose us are to show satisfaction with our policies and to encourage us to continue doing what we did last year. As Park said, KoDae GongGamDae does not use words like not-demonstrating to represent itself. Rather, the members say that they are focused on students. However, this does not mean that they will not struggle with solving the problems facing students.

 When it is time to fight, then we should, said Jeong. But if the problem can be solved in other ways and still be as effective, we will take that way. A bunch of paper usually solve problems sensibly because it is logical. According to Park and Jeong, students associations previous way of solving problems was to notify the school of the allegations from a one-sided students point of view, and then asking for solutions with demonstrations and rallies.


Nevertheless, they concluded that this way is seldom supported by KU students. Therefore, they are trying to prepare written reports on how to solve a problem or how to conduct an occasion instead.

The biggest and most pressing problem now is to control the rising rate of the schools tuition fee. This year it rose up to 7.5%. To deal with this, KoDae GongGamDae already held a press interview in front of the presidential candidates with Yonsei University. They made another one in front of the Transposition Team for the new government in the name of SeDaeKyoChe (literally meaning changing generation, and itself is an abbreviation for Acquiring Rights for Students who Change the World) on February 4th. SeDaeKyoChe is composed of students committees from: Sungkyunkwan, Yonsei, Dankook, Kookmin, and Kyunghee universities, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Sookmyung Women's University and KU.

Jeong and Park are the first leaders of SeDaeKyoChe, and they are trying to get financial support from the government. Students considered the problem of high tuition fee is to deal with school only. Still, they recognized it was difficult to impose a freeze on tuition fees. So, the solution is to draw some money from government to help provide student support.

    Besides their struggle, KoDae GongGamdae introduced some policies they are planning to conduct in the year 2008.

KoDae GongGamDae prepared an orientation for students who received admission from both the regular and irregular periods. This was specially prepared by KoDae GongGamDae, since last year, because there was no orientation for students accepted during the regular period.

This orientation is one day before Saeteo. Jeong and Park once wrote on the internet that they are willing to have lunch with any freshmen. They said that this was one of ways to fix the image of the students committee as being far away from students who they cannot easily meet.

They are taking care of the freshmen to gain their approval as members of the students committee because the freshmen did not participate in the last election. Jeong said, This year, freshmen will actively participate in school activities and learn about being KU students. And we are the ones who are in charge of providing those opportunities and making things better. So, we definitely need to be close.


By then, they would have published Taekriji, a booklet including information about boarding and rooming houses. Students who were willing to move near school had to spend some time looking around and comparing houses. Being that it is impossible to visit every house and to compare all of the different conditions, prices for rooms were hardly ever compared.

To solve this problem, KoDae GongGamDae promised to publish a book with information about each house around KU. Members of KoDae GongGamDae have been visiting every boarding and rooming house in order to gather accurate information, they said.

With a database of houses, KoDae GongGamDae is planning not only to provide useful information to its students but also to lower the prices. They expect the total price will be lowered in the future. Since it will be easier to compare each house, the houses are expected to compete. Taekriji will be contributed from the Saeteo, and will also be uploaded online.

    The business of making the KU students
ChungChun (the springtime of life) card is being renewed. This card provided KU students with a discount at some restaurants, cafes and cinemas around KU.

KoDae GongGamDae is planning to enlarge the range of student activities. They went to the Taean area to help with the ocean clean up following the oil spill. They are also trying to arrange a camp for volunteering abroad during vacations as well. Especially, they are going ahead with a plan to visit North Korea and do volunteer work. They are also hoping to create opportunities for trips abroad.


They are working on a practical application of a school bus around the Gyeonggi-do area. Another thing they are arranging is creating a new system of changing ones major course, which is extremely difficult to do at KU.

KoDae GongGamDaes ultimate aim is to change the paradigm for the students committee. After receiving the highest supporting rate, they are about to put their proposal into action. They hope to complete their plans to accomplish more of the students needs and to continue to develop the students society. They hope that this will eventually result in changing the national trend of passivity seen in past students committees. To do so, they are creating a united group with other universities, like SeDaeKyoChe. Moreover, KoDae GongGamDae is confident it will be able to take a leading role.


As a final comment to KU students, Jeong said, KoDae GongGamDae will work for students and speak for you. We will do our best to make KU students enjoy their university lives. Do not feel any distance from us, and feel free to talk to us.

Park added, KoDae GongGamDae wants to create a friendly students association. When I was freshman I hardly knew anything about the students association and what they did. I am putting forth my best effort to be close to every student at KU, and to let them know what we do. I hope our service will provide the momentum needed to revive interest in the students society.



출처 : 고려대학교 고파스 2025-03-14 16:24:07:

댓글수 4
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댓글 1 익명 2008-03-03 23:13:30
GT 첫 기사군요!! 화이팅!! :

댓글 2 익명 2008-03-04 09:52:28
와 둘다 잘생겻다~~~ :

댓글 3 익명 2008-03-04 09:53:22
실내에서 목도리는 왜 하고 있는건지. :

댓글 4 익명 2008-03-04 15:40:00
아 본문 초중반에 왜 목도리를 하고 있는지 상세히 나와있네요;; ㅈㅅㅈㅅ :

댓글을 작성하실 수 없습니다. (권한이 없는 회원레벨)
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