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´ñ±Û 1 À͸í 2014-12-04 22:41:37
Not Found

The request of URL /m/ Man junps out of airplane without parachute onto.... :

´ñ±Û 2 À͸í 2014-12-04 22:42:02
º¸ÀÌÁö ¾ÊÁö¸¸ ¹«½¼ ³»¿ëÀÎÁö´Â ¾Ë°Ú´Ù´Â °Ô ÇÔÁ¤ ¤Ð :

´ñ±Û 3 À͸í 2014-12-04 22:42:22
¿¡¿¡¿¡¿¡¿¡¿¡? Àú°Ô °¡´ÉÇÏ´Ù°í???? :

´ñ±Û 4 À͸í 2014-12-04 22:44:02
1/ ¼öÁ¤Çߴµ¥ ¾Èº¸À̳ª¿ä?? :

´ñ±Û 5 À͸í 2014-12-04 22:46:09
»ç¶÷ Á¾´Ü¼Óµµ°¡ ´ëÃæ 240§°/h µÈ´Ù´Âµ¥ ±× ¼Óµµ·Î Æ®·½ºí¸°¿¡ ¶§·Á ¹Ú¾ÒÀ»¶§ »ç¶÷ÇÑÅ× Ãæ°ÝÀº ÃÖ´ëÇÑ ÁÙÀ̸鼭 °íÀÛ Àú¸¸Å­¸¸ µÇƨ°Ü¿À¸£µµ·Ï ź¼ºÀ̶û ±âŸ ¹°¸®ÇÐÀûÀ롃 °í·ÁÇؼ­ ÀåÀÎÀÌ Á÷Á¢¸¸µç Ʋ·½ºí¸°À̸é Çѽ𣿡 5õ¿øÀº Áà¾ß°Ú³×¿ä. °³¹ßºñ±îÁö ÇÕÃļ­. :

´ñ±Û 6 À͸í 2014-12-04 22:47:23
9000ÇÇÆ®¿¡ ¸Ç¸ö???? :

´ñ±Û 7 À͸í 2014-12-04 22:51:54
Àú·¸°Ô Á¶±×¸¸ ÁöÁ¡À¸·Î µü ¶³¾îÁ® µé¾î°¡´Â°Ô °¡´ÉÇØ¿ä..? :

´ñ±Û 8 À͸í 2014-12-04 22:52:18
±¸¶ó°°Àºµ¥ ¸ñÀûÀÌ ¹¹ÁÒ :

´ñ±Û 9 À͸í 2014-12-04 22:55:07
¿À´Ãµµ ¿Ö ³²ÀÚÀÇ Æò±Õ ¼ö¸íÀÌ ´õ ªÀº°¡¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­ ¾Ë°í °©´Ï´Ù. :

´ñ±Û 10 À͸í 2014-12-04 22:57:22
À¢¸¸ÇßÀ¸¸é ¹Ï¾îÁְڴµ¥ ¸¶Áö¸·¿¡.µé¾î¿À´Â.±¸¸Û Å©±â º¸°í.. ¿¡ÀÌ.. :

´ñ±Û 11 À͸í 2014-12-04 23:04:38
±¸¶óÀΰ¡¿ä?? Àú´Â ÁøÂ¥°°¾Æ¼­ ¿ì¿Í´ë¹Ú °¨ÅºÇϸ鼭 ºÃ°Åµç¿ä..^^; :

´ñ±Û 12 À͸í 2014-12-04 23:04:58
¿¡ÀÌ ³Ê¹« ÁÖÀÛÀÌ³× :

´ñ±Û 13 À͸í 2014-12-04 23:15:52
Okay, just doing some math. Terminal speed is about 120 mph, which is 176 ft/sec. This guy stops within 3 feet (trampoline depression), which takes about .017 seconds (at 120 mph). So, the acceleration (or deceleration) computes to 10,352 ft/sec^2. So, knowing that the acceleration of gravity is 32 ft/sec^2,......the guy endured approximately 323 g's and survived? Not in this world. By the equation F=MA, it would take 58,230 lbs to reverse this guy's (180 lb man) direction in .017 seconds (within 3 ft). No human body can take that kind of abuse. This is the pressure that a big firetruck would exert on the earth. In real life, I think this guy would have torn a hole in the trampoline and ended up on the cement floor, in a rather wide pattern. Even the LifeKick Time Machine could not have saved him. Just my 2 cents

À¯Æ©ºê ´ñ±ÛÆß :

´ñ±Û 14 À͸í 2014-12-05 00:14:50
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´ñ±Û 15 À͸í 2014-12-05 03:22:41
°Á Æ®·½Æú¸° ³îÀÌÅÍ ±¤°í³×¿ä ¤»¤»¤»¤» :

´ñ±Û 16 À͸í 2014-12-05 03:55:24
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