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Greetings from Jerusalem, the united and eternal capital of IsraelI wanna thank all of you for coming together today to celebrate the 50 years of diplomatic relations between Israel and Korea.I want to specially thank Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein for arranging this event. Thank you Yechiel for steadfast commitment to the Jewish people and Jewish state over the past three decades.Now you're meeting at a time of great challenges for Israel. Iran continues to race forwards developing neclear weapons.A rising tide of militant Islam is sweeping through the Middle East.And just beyond Israel's border, we see tearing stability. The people of Korea know what it's like to have hostile neighbor on your border. But that is not all we have in common. We share a common interest, we share common values. We're two contries or making an impact on the world well beyond our size.In technology and research and development and a host of other areas.Trades between our two contries is over a billion dollars. And we barely scratched the surface what we can do together. But the greatest gift the people of Isarael receive from the people of Korea is knowing that we're not alone. We welcome forty thousand pilgrims from Korea every year and we know that represent millions of Koreans who stand firmly by Israel's side. I've been to Korea, I was impressed with that friendship, I was impressed with that sense of solidarity that I think ignites that imagination and fires the hearts of both of our peoples. So on behalf of people of Israel, I wanna thank you all for your solidarity. Thank you for your friendship. And thank you for working to help secure our common future. 

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