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Fun Event with Beers & BBQ !
¡°Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?¡±
An ex-CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs once asked this question to Pepsi executive, who virtually shook him from the very core, and made up his mind to change the world. That happened on year 1983 when Steve Jobs was just one-of-the-rising start at Silicon Valley, not one of the greatest pioneers of 21st century.

Yes we are looking for someone with ¡°Hot passion¡±
I¡¯m Sean, HR & Operation manager at a start-up company name Balmbees. Majority of people believe only the selective and privileged people like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg are the ones who can change the world. Or at least that¡¯s what I thought whenever I read their epics over books or newspaper while settling myself at companies with big names. But I¡¯ve got to admit, I¡¯m now up to something new and wild. I¡¯ve chosen to do something that may change the world, oh wait, something that WILL change the world. And I¡¯m looking for ¡°someone¡± who would like to join on my journey.

Never heard of ¡¸Balmbees¡¹?  
Balmbees was found by the founders and the members of ViKi. ( ViKi is an "international online video site" which played more than 1 billion streams of videos and its volunteer community has subtitled more than 100 million words into 143 languages since its 2008 inception, and has raised series A from a big-name venture capital firms from Silicon Valley and media executives including Warner Music and BBC. With such tremendous growth, ViKi was nominated as the winner of prestige tech award, <Crunchies Awards 2010>. Recently ViKi successfully raised another big funding from SKT and BBC setting another great milestone. Members of ViKi's are now making a new leap forward for the year 2012, to create a new culture of fan community without language barriers under the name "Balmbees" just like they changed the experiences of foreign TV audience through ViKi.

* To see more on ViKi project
⇨ ViKi philosophy :
⇨ ViKi culture      :
⇨ More news       :

Let¡¯s meet up in Seoul!
Like I said earlier, we are looking for someone with hot passion, and who are willing to join the journey to change the world. So for anyone who¡¯s interest, we are happy to meet you in Seoul!

Fun Event with Beers & BBQ !
¢Ý When : 2012. 1. 31. (Tuesday)  19:00 ~
¢Ý Where : Balmbees¡¯ office in Seoul (Near from Nonhyun Station line No.7)
¢Ý We want to meet someone like:
   - Who¡¯s more than willing to join in Development / Design / Social marketing & Operation team
   - Who has Enthusiastic spirit and mind
   - Who gets Hyper-excited in making something new
   - Who¡¯s eager to join in writing a new page of the internet history
   - Who aims to go global and change the world
Are you that someone? WE WANT TO MEET YOU!

¢Ý Meet up information
   - Tell us something about yourself. Click on below link to write:
   - Deadline for Application is January 25 midnight (Seoul time)
     We would contact you directly to get RSVP for invitation.
   - We have only limited number of staff to attend each participant sincerely. We apologize beforehand if you didn¡¯t get the invitation. We¡¯ll keep you in touch for next meet up.

¢Ý What¡¯s on meet up?
   - 19:00 ~ 19:25  BBQ (CEO is the cook for the day!) with beer (all complimentary)
   - 19:25 ~ 19:30  Welcoming words from Balmbees
   - 19:30 ~ 19:45  Ice breaking session for everyone else
   - 19:45 ~ 20:00  Know little bit more about Balmbees and about recruitment
   - 20:00 ~       Have drinks. Get to know each other. Share your interests
   * We have other beverages beside from beer, so suit yourself!

Keep this to your mind!
Company with big names may give you stable job and temporary satisfaction. Yes. I was there too and thought I got the whole world in my hand. But deep inside I¡¯ve always thought, is this the life I pursuit for in my entire life?
Do you remember the line from The Social Network that went, ¡°Bosnia, they don¡¯t have roads, but they have Facebook?¡± A project that started at one of the university had swallowed the whole world. Doesn¡¯t it excite you that something made by ¡°yourself¡± influence the whole world? Don¡¯t settle where you are now. If you are reading my last sentence, I know you are already capable of changing the world.
To apply for invitation:
Ãâó : °í·Á´ëÇб³ °íÆĽº 2024-07-04 00:04:23:

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