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[KMUN 2012] °í·Á´ëÇб³ ¸ðÀÇÀ¯¿£È¸ÀÇ 2012 Âü°¡ÀÚ¸¦ ¸ðÁýÇÕ´Ï´Ù. (~11/27 Á¶±âµî·Ï ¸¶°¨)
°í·Á´ëÇб³ ¸ðÀÇÀ¯¿£È¸ÀÇ 2012(Korea Model United Nations 2012) °³ÃÖ ¾È³»

ÀúÈñ KMUN 2012 »ç¹«±¹¿¡¼­´Â 2012³â 1¿ù 31ÀϺÎÅÍ 2¿ù 3ÀϱîÁö  ´Ù¼¸ ¹ø°  °í·Á´ëÇб³ ¸ðÀÇÀ¯¿£È¸ÀÇ (Korea Model United Nations 2012)¸¦ ÁÖÃÖÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

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1. ¸ðÀÇÀ¯¿£È¸ÀÇ (Model United Nations)
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   °íµî ÇлýºÎ: 250,000¿ø
   ´ëÇлýºÎ: 140,000¿ø
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   °íµî ÇлýºÎ: 270,000¿ø
   ´ëÇлýºÎ: 160,000¿ø

(3) Èı⠵î·Ï(2011³â 12¿ù 19ÀÏ 0½Ã ~ 12¿ù 31ÀÏ 23½Ã 59ºÐ±îÁö µî·Ï ½Åû°ú Âü°¡ºñ ÀÔ±Ý)
   °íµî ÇлýºÎ: 310,000¿ø
   ´ëÇлýºÎ: 200,000¿ø

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Notice on Korea Model United Nations 2012

The Secretariat of KMUN 2012 is holding the fifth annual Korea Model United Nations conference from January 31st to February 3rd, 2012.

Over its past four conferences since 2008, KMUN has continued and furthered its tradition of excellence, year by year putting together a conference of improved quality and flow. Moreover, in collaboration with YTN, KMUN successfully held Korea Model G20: KMUN Special Session last summer.

This year¡¯s Secretariat invites all who wish to participate in KMUN 2012. The conference will be held from January 31st to February 3rd, 2012, and it will be conducted in English.

1. What is Model United Nations?
In Model United Nations (MUN), each participant represents a member nation in the UN or other international organizations, and as the delegate of that country, he or she discusses relevant global or regional issues with other participants through speeches, debates and negotiations. As the discussions proceed, the delegates will together form and pass a resolution to solve the issue at hand. This enriching experience MUN offers has helped the conference receive recognition for its educational value, and the conference is now held worldwide, in many different cities and countries.

2. What one can gain through MUN
-The opportunity to discuss, negotiate, and make speeches in English during the four days of conference
-Insight into the international society and its current status
-Diplomacy and negotiation skills that future leaders must be equipped with
-Personal connections with participants from various schools in and outside Korea

3. How to register for the conference
KMUN 2012 registration can be done on and the registration fees are as follows.

(1) Early registration (November 14th to November 27th 23:59 Online Registration and Fee Payment completed during the period above)
High school students: 250,000 won
University students:        140,000 won

*Discounts for group registration by high school participants
1) For those who attend the same high school,
2) If and only if more than ten of these students register during the early registration period,
The participants may register at 220,000 won per person.
These participants, however, must pay 250,000 won at first, as is the case with other early-registering participants. The participants will receive the difference in fee once the group registration is confirmed.
(These students will be required to have their school teacher confirm their group registration. The format of the confirmation paper they should send to the Secretariat can be downloaded from Document Library in the KMUN website.)

(2) Regular registration (November 28th to December 18th 23:59 Online Registration and Fee Payment completed during the period above)

High school students: 270,000 won
University students:        160,000 won

(3) Late registration (December 19th to December 31st, 23:59 Online Registration and Fee Payment completed during the period above)
High school students: 310,000 won
University students:        200,000 won

Registration will automatically be cancelled should the registration fee not be received by December 31st, 2011.

Please refer to our web page for any information regarding KMUN 2012, including eligibility, conference schedules, financial aid, scholarship etc.. For the information that cannot be found on the website, please request through e-mail to

Thank You.

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