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English-Chinese Speaking Student From Beijing

Hi, I m an exchange student from China, Beijing, now studying in Korea university, I will stay here till the winter vacation. It s a little more expensive living here than Beijing, so I want to find a part-time job in order to release my family's burden and have more Korean friends.
My English is quite good(lol), all my courses here are taught in English, but I m not good at Korean, I started learning Korean for only two months...
For my Chinese, haha,...I m a native Mandarin speaker from Beijing, I v taught some Korean students Chinese in my university for free, we are classmates....
For the rate, I don t know the current price, it will be grateful if you can offer a reasonable one(actually I will be totally satisfied if it s higher than washing dishes, I v tried to find such a job nearby but I can t speak Korean).
For the time, available at Friday , Saturday , Sunday.
For the place, I can teach in your home if convenient, I live in Anam but it s ok for me to go to other districts of Seoul.
Sorry for that I would not like to find an language exchanging buddy before I get a job, it means it s ok to teach Chinese for free, but firstly I need to know my time table if I can get a job, so that I can arrange my time correctly.

If you are interested, drop me a line.




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