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°í·Á´ëÇб³ ¿µÀڽŹ®»ç »çÁøÀü <58 Years of Photojournalism (58³â°£ÀÇ ±â·Ï)>
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º¸µµ»çÁøÀü, <58 Years of Photojournalism (58³â°£ÀÇ ±â·Ï)>

°í·Á´ëÇб³ ¿µÀڽŹ®»ç The Granite Tower (GT)¿¡¼­ ¿À´Â 2012³â 9¿ù 3ÀϺÎÅÍ 5ÀϱîÁö(3ÀÏ°£) ¹ÎÁÖ±¤Àå¿¡¼­ º¸µµ»çÁøÀüÀ» °³ÃÖÇÕ´Ï´Ù. <58 Years of Photojournalism (58³â°£ÀÇ ±â·Ï)>À̶ó´Â Á¦¸ñÀ¸·Î ±âȹµÈ À̹ø »çÁøÀü¿¡¼­´Â, 1954³â â°£ÀÌ·¡ º»»ç¿¡¼­ ÃÔ¿µÇØ¿Ô´ø 50¿©ÀåÀÇ º¸µµ»çÁøÀ» Àü½ÃÇÏ°íÀÚ ÇÕ
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The Granite Tower (GT) will host a press photo exhibition from September 3, 2012 to September 5, 2012 at People¡¯s Square. Entitled <58 Years of Photojournalism>, 50 chosen press photos taken by GT's reporters since its foundation in 1954 wil be shown in this upcoming event. GT would love to share every trace of Korean university press and every moment of Korean modern history, which student reporters have captured for over half a century, with as many students as possible. Anyone who is interested is welcome.

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