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[Notice of 2023 Summer Session]

Greetings, this is Korea University Student Union.

Please find the details for the 2023 Summer Session as follows.

¢º Eligibility:
KU undergraduate students, KU students who are on leave of absence and students from domestic credit exchange programs

¢º Schedule
¡Ø Please log-in to see course list for summer session at - Course Information.
¡Û Course Registration (Add/Drop Period): 10:00 Jun 16 ~ 23:00 Jun 21
¡Û Tuition Payment: 9:00 May 25 ~ 23:00 May 30
¡Û Course Cancellation and Tuition Refund Announcement: Jun 2
¡Û Course Registration after Course Cancellation: 9:00 ~ 16:30 Jun 8
¡Û Tuition Payment and Course Cancellation: 9:00 ~ 23:00 Jun 9
¡Û Summer Session Period: Jun 22 ~ Jul 19 (4 weeks)
¡Û Course Withdrawal: 10:00 Jun 16  ~ 23:00 Jul 5

¢º Course Registration: Log-in at
¡Û KU students: Use student ID no. and Password to log-in
¡Û Domestic Exchange Student: Temporary KU ID and Password (last 7 digits of your Resident Registration no.) to log-in

¢º Guidelines for Course(s) and credit transfer
¡Û Student can take maximum of 6 credits during the summer/winter session.
¡Û Grade(s) show under summer/winter session which counts towards overall GPA in the academic transcript.
¡Û Students on leave of absence are NOT permitted to graduate even if she/he meets the graduation requirement upon the completion of summer/winter session.
¡Û As for course(s) that require prerequisites, student must have completed required course prerequisites and have a grade before registering for an advanced course.

¡Û Summer/Winter session is offered to students who wish to obtain extra credits outside of regular semester.
¡Û Students are NOT allowed to withdraw for personal reasons after the deadline given its short length of the program. Course Registration (ADD/DROP) is strictly limited to the deadline specified in the table.
¡Û Failure to meet the payment deadline results in the removal of student¡¯s course information. Please be advised that students must follow specified deadlines for summer/winter session schedule.
¡Û Since Spring of 2016, retaking course opened by Sejong Campus is allowed only once.

¢º Tuition Payment:
Wire transfer at HANA bank through individual ¡®virtual account¡¯.

¢º Tuition Plan : 1 credit : 107,900KRW / 2 credits : 215,800KRW / 3credits : 323,700KRW

¢º Announcement of Course Cancellation:
Cancellation of courses are notified at KU Portal on Jun 2.

¢º Course Withdrawal:
Student(s) who wish to withdraw after the tuition payment may can get a refund. Details of refund are as follows;

¡Û 10:00 Jun 16 – 23:00 Jun 21
(Withdrawal before the session commencement)
=> 100% of Tuition Paid

¡Û 10:00 Jun 22 – 23:00 Jun 28
=> 2/3 of Tuition Paid

¡Û 10:00 Jun 29 – 23:00 Jul 5
=> 1/2 of Tuition Paid

¡Ø Students MUST apply for a withdrawal of course/tuition at PORTAL. Refund process takes about 2 weeks which will be wired to an account registered in student records.

For further details, please refer to the PORTAL( - Today's University Events - 2023 Summer Session.

Thank you.

Person in Charge: Hanbeom Kim, Head of the Korea University Student Union Dept. of Education & Facilities
Ãâó : °í·Á´ëÇб³ °íÆĽº 2024-07-12 19:12:24:

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