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⚽Korea University Women's Soccer Club FC ELISE 16th new members recruitment⚽

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FC Elise, Korea University's women only soccer club, is holding the 16th annual recruitment for new members🙌 FC Elise is a club where those who love soccer are able to gather and play soccer in a fun close-knit community. Based on the skills accumulated during our regular practices, we have participated in various tournaments and have always achieved excellent results, representing our university. Not only can you improve your soccer skills, but you can also feel the charm of team sports. It is also a great opportunity to get close with other students from various majors and grades! If you are passionate and determined about soccer, please don't hesitate to apply~

‣Recruitment Schedule
  - Application submission Period: until 03/02 11:59pm
- Open Training: 03/03, 8-10pm at ¼­°æ´ë Dz»ìÆÄÅ©, 03/07 8-10pm at ºù±×·¹Ã౸Àå(°æ±âµµ ³²¾çÁֽà ´Ù»êµ¿ 4347-1)
    ¡ØAttendance is mandatory to at least 1 open training!
  - Tryout: 03/10, 8-10pm at ¼ººÏÁ¾ÇÕ·¹Æ÷Ã÷Ÿ¿î Dz»ìÀå(¼ººÏ±¸ ¼®°üµ¿ 27-7)
    ¡ØAttendance is mandatory!

‣Recruitment Target
- Female students at Korea University who can be active for more than 2 semesters regardless of grade or major
- Anyone who can attend the regular training session on Monday and Thursday 8-10pm

- Regular practices 2x a week
- Participate in various soccer and futsal tournaments
- Friendly matches with other universities and local teams
- Social activities: MT, futsal matches, impromptu hangouts
For more information on activities, please refer to FC Elise's Instagram @fc_elise.

If you have any inquiries, please contact us on Kakaotalk openchat/Instagram DM
Open chat link:

Ãâó : °í·Á´ëÇб³ °íÆĽº 2024-07-02 04:59:57:

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